Normally, I don't seek out pornographic manga.
That being said, I've decided that for the next few blog posts, we're going to review the beginnings of Hellsing.
The good news: They're easy to get ahold of.
The bad news: They all have naked people in them.
The first little gem we're going to look at is a short piece called, simply, "Doc's Story." This snipped of insight gives us two backstories: Dok's and Schro's. The manga features three characters, and they're all pretty easy to keep track of. The only character whose naughty bits we don't see is this guy.

It's pretty easy to tell just by looking at him that he could evolve into a Hellsing character. This is
Doc, an SS scientist who evolves into Dok. He's uh... our protagonist? Yeah, we'll go with that. He's our protagonist. He's a lot younger here than he is in Hellsing, but you can see where he's going in a few years. He definitely ages a lot more than Rip does, but then again, he's not a vampire.

I think you can really definitely see that he's eventually going to turn into Dok here. You can also see that at some point in his life, he wore a full shirt.
The other character we meet in the beginning is Hitler. Yes. That Hitler. Hirano... Hirano's one messed up dude, that's all I can say.

The final character is an unnamed catgirl demoness summoned by Doc from Hell, and Hitler, who asked Doc to get him laid. Yes, you heard me, the whole point of this story is that a horny Hitler wants Doc to summon a catgirl so that he can have sex. And... yeah, I just kinda told you everything that happens in the manga right there. Most of it is devoted to the catgirl and her various states of undress and ravishment.

She... uh... look like anybody to you?
No. Not Seras. Her eyes are up there, pal. I find it interesting that Hirano's glove fetish extends to demons but not Hitler.
So, pretty much right after her appearance, she has sex with Hitler, Dok yells at Hitler, and the manga is over. That's, uh, it. Yeah. The catgirl doesn't go back to hell, so according to pretty much the established rules of demon summoning, she's there for Dok and Adolf's er... bidding.
Yeah, you can tell I'm dancing around the elephant in the room, can't you.
We kinda get to see Schro's conception.
Schrodinger is Hitler's son.
It's not a happy thought.
In Conclusion:
Sanity Check: Not as bad as Akira, which is the established low point for the sanity check (seriously, I had to cover Cthulhu's eyes at the end) but it lost a lot of points for making me see Hitler's junk.
Canonicity: It fits the established, no-side-media canon pretty well. I can see the skinny guy evolving into the Dok we know and love, and, well... Mama Schrodinger does have a lot of facial resemblance to my second-favorite prepubescent brownshirt.
Favorite Panel: This one.

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