As a present, I'm reviewing Hellsing!
But not just any Hellsing. Oh no. No, this time, I'm reviewing Hellsing: Legend of the Vampire Hunter.
That's right, everybody, I'm reviewing the official Hellsing hentai!
And y'know what?
It's fucking hilarious.
Our story starts with Alucard surveying some crime scene or another. I'm going to point out now that this is not the Alucard we're used to. This Alucard is a guy so bland, he sews his name to the inside of his jacket.

There's nothing sexy or seductive about him- honestly, he's just kind of bored with the whole thing. To bide his time, he chases down missing corpses and hangs around tattoo parlors.

I was gonna make a plastic surgery joke, but it's a police girl with normal-sized boobs.
This isn't gonna last.
Now, normally, Police Girls do not back themselves up against a wall, choke themselves with one of their own hands, and shout Kyaaa! Normally, somebody must do this for them, which means that it's time to meet our other characters. Introducing Nameless and Helman!

Here's Nameless giving pretty much the same advice that the American mainstream gives women every goddamn day!

There's this great scene afterwards of closed-mouth fellatio, where her mouth is literally completely closed but she's somehow still sucking, but I'm not posting that because I don't wanna post dick, there's no way to effectively censor it without covering up the hilarity, and her face is covered in MASSIVE amounts of joy juice that looks like mayonn
There's this amazing Hellsing AMV set to "Jizz In My Pants" by The Lonely Island. Here's the link. Why do I mention this? Because I'm pretty sure that this is what is happening right now in this picture.

But Nameless isn't going to die easily. Nope. He's gotta ask the question that everybody asks Alucard. (No, not the one about Carmen Sandiego.)

After that little mess, it's time to attend to the rape victim.

"Oh, damn. Your blood was sucked and you're not a ghoul. Man, the boss hates it when I bring home stray vampires who are former employees. Oh? Oh, no, no, it's not uncommon at all. Nope. It was on uh, page three of the hiring contract. Right after the bit about fair use of the break room."

Man. You really do get the feeling from this guy that he's not Hellsing's top hunter. He's more like a standard employee, just doing the bare minimum and being preoccupied with paperwork.

And that's the end.
Sanity Check: Actually not that bad. Yeah, the sex scene was pretty ridiculous, but it wasn't anything terribly wild. Wasn't like a priest orgy or Hitler x Catgirl or anything like that.
Canonicity: At first glance, it's impossible, because there's no way that the character the series is named after can exist. Read Alucard's dialogue up there. Does that sound like a man who lives in the same universe as Integra Hellsing? I think not. We also have the tricky little problem of Helman and Nameless. Although I guess they could be relatives... Actually, hold up. There's no timestamp on this, and there's no technology or anything to give us an earliest possible date. The pierced ears on the guys are a pretty good indicator that it happens in the late sixties or later... This could be a feasible part of canon if it's set during Arthur's reign. Nameless and Helman are Luke and Jan's uncles or something- apparently, dumbassery runs in their family. It would also explain why there's a young, nubile, not-tough-as-nails human woman running around with Hellsing... and, if Star Trek is to be believed, why she's in a miniskirt.
So yeah. Let's count this as part of the Canon!Verse as proof that life under Arthur was boring.
Favorite Panel: Two of 'em. The first is this one, where Helman actually demonstrates a little bit of vampire lore:

And then there's this. The whole story is set in an alleyway. Now, in an alleyway, you have graffiti. Here in the states, it's usually obscenities or phalli. Not true in England!

In England, you have gangsta water bottles.